Creepy and Spooky IoE / IoT

Welcome to the beginning of what is being touted as the Internet’s next wave by technologists, , research organizations, and the companies that stand to rake in some of an estimated $14.4 trillion by 2022, what they call the Internet of Things / Everything (IoT/E). Quite aspirational. Imagine a day when your car talks to […]

M2M Communications

For years, the machines used to make our life easier have been getting smarter as their internal computer processors and software tell them what to do based on the parameters we provide. When machines “talk” they do so in a language known as “telemetry”. The concept of telemetry remote machines and sensors collecting and sending […]

The Internet of Everything (IoE)

This is where the Web and the Physical world will meet. Today there are more things connected to the internet if compared with the total population of the world. There are about 10 billion things connected to the Internet, a little more than one for each person on the planet. Imagine a world where everything […]